What Makes Us Silent
The noise of this world has blinded our perspective and appreciation of silence. We ought to be comfortable with the hustles and bustles and conundrums of the society. However, silence takes a different call on us. It may be a call of serenity, indifference, or simply, fear.
SERENITY. Repeating your mantra and withdrawing to a simple void makes someone calm and peaceful. Then, one enjoys the silence around him and releases the negativity within. When this happens, you achieve a sense of happiness, fulfillment, and content. It is your main volition that drives you to silence in order to achieve serenity. This being said, silence is your friend.
INDIFFERENCE. The flux around you moves matter. It drives everyone and everything in mobility. However, sometimes, you just don't want to take part how the universe moves daily. You prefer to sit at the sidelines and look at an empty space as if you are thinking - even if you're not thinking at all. You thought you were peaceful but a part f your soul has participated in the cadence. SO your physical totality is just now indifferent to the world and your current state of existence. You could ave joined the drama,rode the bus, speak to the crowd, or even cook pasta, but you're so much in your comfort-zone - indifference. Then you do nothing at all. Thence, silence here is a wisp.
FEAR. You are the vibrant one. Your ecstasy and vigor brings you to people and places. You explore horizons of ideas and mementos. But your kryptonite is your fear. You'd like to light a fire on a cold winter';s night but you fear the dark more than the benefit of warmth. You want to prove an innocence to people blinded by oppression and corruption but fear pulls you back and comforts you with being silent. You'd like to travel and broaden your horizon by flying new heights but as you drew close to the sun, fear tells you about Icarus. So you prefer to glide low in silence and just forgetting you have wings of alloy and steel. Here, silence is a banshee.
How do you want to connive with silence, then?
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